Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Multiple Google mail addresses - one gmail account

I hope all having mail account in gmail. It's a free email product. And one feature you may not aware it you can have multiple mail account can created using one mail account. lets see about it.

Multiple Google Email Addresses from One Gmail Account :

Having multiple Gmail addresses can provide a range of uses including easily separating personal and business email and tracking incoming email from specific subscriptions and mailing list. There are three main methods for expanding the number of usable Google email addresses that you can have from a single Gmail account

Using the “@googlemail.com” Domain Name :

With every Gmail account you actually get a second email address – one is the regular @gmail.com address while the second address has @googlemail.com as the domain. So Gmail will actually see as the same as myname@gmail.commyname@googlemail.com. All email messages that are sent to myname@googlemail.com will be delivered to yourmail address.

Using a Dot or Period in the Email name :

Another interesting fact of Gmail addresses is what is sometimes referred to as “Dot Blindness”. In an interesting twist Gmail does not recognize dots, ”.”or periods as characters in Google email address user names. This means that Gmail “sees” my.name@gmail.com or myna.me@gmail.com as the same address as myname@gmail.com. so u can have many user accounts.
Using the Plus Sign and Additional Characters

The third trick for extending the use of your Gmail account is the ability to add extra characters to the end of your username by inserting a plus sign, “+” after your name. Google does not recognize these characters but Gmail search filters do. The characters after the plus sign can be either letters or numbers. So myname+abcde@gmail.com or myname+abcde@googlemail.com will end up in the same Inbox as myname@gmail.com.

You may ask now what's the need for extra mail account using this accounts you can identify from which source the mail is coming from u can use different mail address to subscribe newsletters so that this tricks will be useful to you. give your comments guys......